Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Exercise: Are You Longing for the Next Hit?

EXPERTS agree exercise is good for us. It can even be addictive, with those hooked constantly looking for the next hit.

Most of us have a healthy approach to exercise and a good balance of mind, body and spirit, but there are those for whom exercise becomes a deadly addiction.

Leading Townsville sports psychologist and international body building champion Robert Walkley said when exercising vigorously for more than 30 minutes, the body released feel-good endorphins and hormones.

"When the body does a lot of exercise, a chemical endorphin similar to serotonin - known as the 'brains opiate - is released, Mr Walkley said.

"For some people that can be addictive

"When fitness takes over from being more than a healthy habit it can cause problems to your health.

"But as long as you strike a balance and it is not unreasonably interfering with sleep patterns, and the health is not suffering, regular exercise is, of course, healthy.

"But there are people who are driven by a compulsion to exercise.

"Everybody knows somebody who overdoes it but most people still have a good balance.

"If you stress and have anxiety and guilt unduly because you cant get to exercise, it could be a warning sign that there is an unhealthy compulsion.

"Having the right information about health, diet and exercise, and getting support can put you on the right track.

Exercise addiction is probably the most contradictory of all the addictions.

As well as being a widely promoted health behaviour, important for the prevention and treatment of a range of ailments, it is an effective part of treatment for other mental health problems.

We all over-exert ourselves on occasion, and usually rest afterwards. But exercise addicts exercise for hours every day, regardless of fatigue or illness.

Townsville-based personal trainer Joel Savage said there were great physical and emotional health benefits from regular exercise essential to our wellbeing.

Mr Savage said he saw people of all shapes and sizes at Domain Central Fitness and body image addiction was as much a concern as exercise addiction.

He said good personal trainers could recognise the signs of unhealthy exercise disorders.

"We are definitely briefed on some of the signs to look for and we do see people obsessed with body image, where there can be issues including eating disorders, Mr Savage said.

"We try to identify and help nurture and guide people, and we can refer them to a sports psychologist.

"We find people get into trouble when they do not set goals and they don't know what they are doing, and once we educate, support and give them a positive direction, they are fine.

Endorphins are secreted during exercise and can bring feelings of calm and euphoria and they can help reduce stress and suppress both physical and emotional pain.

Research has shown people low on endorphins have increased cravings towards fatty foods.

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