Daily Mirror
September 11, 2015
Northern Ireland
Among the varied and mainly unflattering reputations I have gained over the years, being a U2 "hater" has been one of them.
I get tagged on social media when it's assumed I will go guns blazing about them (I sometimes do, in fairness), I get asked to be a talking head about them and on few occasions, get passionately berated about them by the Bono-fied.
In some quarters of our fair country, it would appear that finding U2 not to be what I was looking for, to be a crime worthy of extradition and flogging against a Joshua tree.
I feel no need to defend my dislike of them, but hell, I will anyway, it'll pass the time for us both.
As the end-of-tour gigs in Ireland were announced this week, I found myself having a bit of a laugh at their expense online, even coming up with a word. Bonanism. An amalgamation of the platformed heeled lead singer and the word "Onanism".
You can use your imagination as to what the definition of the word was. But it was all in fun as most things should be.
I can't really say I hate U2. In my teens as a fan of the Smiths and other sort of fey indie music that guaranteed I was never going to cop off with girls, I considered U2 the enemy.
At that time in your life when you fall passionately in love with something, a kind of tribalism takes hold, be it music, football, whatever. You bond with similar souls and deliberately find fault in the things that don't meet your own criteria.
At that stage, they were truly the enemy. They were stadium rock. Pompous, pretentious and thoroughly naff, with their ponytails and leather waistcoats, singing thinly veiled christian rock whilst walking up the garish strip of Las Vegas, hugging people whether they liked it or not; with Bono fervently oozing all the sincerity and worthiness of a scout leader strumming Kumbaya round a campfire and ruining the craic.
He couldn't help himself, he still can't really. As time has went on, I ceased to care about them. Their "ironic" and "post-modern" period was as baffling to me as it looked to everyone but Bono.
Zoo TV was their reinvention, playing with rock star excess and media manipulation, as a way of teaching us that, I dunno, consumerism was wrong or something, like paying to go see them was somehow a way of stopping us from paying for stuff that wasn't as good. Or something. Who knows. I'm not even sure the band know at this stage.
Playing with the idea of rock star absurdity when you are an absurd rock star can be confusing. As Morrissey wrote "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore, it's too close to home". Even though it sold big, it took its toll on the subsequent Pop tour.
Supporting an album that was half an idea stretched out veneer thin into a bad album, they became everything they were supposedly parodying on the previous tour.
I actually saw the Pop gig at Botanic Gardens in Belfast. I lived in Ridgeway Street at the time and it was, handily enough, right at the bottom of our street. It was quite the show. In the sense it was wonderfully awful. They came out on stage inside a giant lemon, that failed to open properly on quite a few occasions. Spinal Tap suddenly looked like a proper documentary.
What has followed is two decades of ever decreasing musical quality, each album that bit more underwhelming than the last. The dead horse of 80s power balladry has been flogged to its bones. And Bono isn't helping much, let's face it.
The bleeding heart rhetoric, the first on the scene at the global press conference for crises, the reluctance to pay tax in a country he claims to love with all his little heart. The Irish leg of the tour is being billed as "Bringing It Home". I'm not quite sure what "It" is, but it's certainly not the money they moved out of Ireland when it all went tits www.up.No, it's safely tucked away in a foreign account, unbothered by the tax man and, as revealed last week, making Bono the wealthiest pop star in the world, hitting the billion point and beyond.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he does some good with it, he'd be a fool and a hypocrite not to, what with all the pleading with the rest of us.
I'm sure we'll hear about it in time. It's not any of this that annoys me about him, if I'm totally honest. It's the desperation. He so wants to be loved, respected and admired. He wants that so bad.
He wants us to make babies to his music, find some kind of spiritual light to it, go to our graves with it playing on an iPod in a draughty church. And it would have to be on an iPod. That's part of the deal of being a U2 fan. You can't have one without the other.
If, like me, you do happen to have the latter, there is no escape, for as I'm sure you are aware, with their last album Songs Of Innocence, it was added to your iTunes library without your knowledge or consent, as that was the megabucks deal they made with Apple. Thus losing any shred of artistic integrity they had left.
As a songwriter, I can appreciate why people love Bono and the lads so much. But for me, where other artists can hit a target with an arrow, Bono has always done it with a rocket launcher. Clumsily, noisily. Sure, they can put on a show, wheel out the screens and the hits and give it the full Vegas treatment, but as their Glastonbury headlining performance showed, without the whistles and bells, it was all a little flat. And wet. Not so much an Unforgettable Fire, as a forgettable damp squib.
Note to Bono: if you insist on wearing shades all the time, invest in ones with little windscreen wipers, it still rains a lot in this part of the world. At this stage, I don't care enough about U2 to have any sort of hatred or even dislike for them. They are the bloke at the end of the party, playing Wonderwall on an acoustic guitar.
But the gigs will sell out in record time no doubt and more dates will probably be added and people will take gig selfies in front of vast screens showing Bono's huge face like a beatific Big Brother.
The queues at the bar will lengthen during the newer songs and the phones will light up for the anthems. I never found what U2 fans did. But then again, I never really looked.
It's the desperation, he so wants to be loved & admired
Dead horse of 80s power balladry has been flogged to its bones
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