Men and women normally think of reduced calorie eating or fat burning cardio when they want to shed ugly fat, they don't think of Energy Flux. After looking in the mirror and seeing the love handles bulging over their belt, they say things like, "I need to go on a diet" or "I need to get into shape". That is their first mistake when looking to eliminate ugly fat.
Dieting alone, or exercising alone is not the solution to losing ugly fat. You must combine both to get the results you want.
Dr. John Berardi (of Precision Nutrition fame), uses a term called "Energy Flux", or "G Flux" to explain the right combination of diet and exercise to eliminate fat and build an attractive body.
In simple terms...
Energy Flux is the balance between energy intake (the food you eat)
and energy cost (the calories you burn).
Let's look at different Energy Flux examples to learn which one is best for fat loss and building a body you can be proud of...
Energy Flux Example 1: Eat Little - Exercise Little
Many people live on little food and little exercise. Very little energy is going in and very little energy is being spent. This results in a frail, skinny, weak appearance.
Energy Flux Example 2: Eat A Lot - Exercise A Little
Overeating and getting little exercise is by fat the most common example of energy flux. There is a lot of energy going in, and very little energy being used. The result of too much energy and too little expenditure leads to a surplus which the body stores as fat. As you probably know all too well, excess fat is not what you want if you want a lean, muscular, athletic body. (If it was, almost everyone I know would be the picture of prefect health, fitness and physique).
Energy Flux Example 3: Eat A Little - Exercise A Lot
Now we're talking. This is where most people think the their energy flux should be. After all, if Example #2 is the worst example, than this "mirror image" should be the best, right?
Restricting calories through diet and using energy with exercise does mean there is more energy used than available. This creates an energy deficit, which means the body must burn fat for fuel. And this is great... at least in the beginning.
However, over time this is what happens:
1) Drastically reducing calories also reduces performance.
2) Your body does not have enough energy left over to build muscle or make other changes to improve performance or appearance.
3) Muscle is also sacrificed in the struggle to provide enough energy to perform the high volume of exercise.
So the real result of this type of Energy Flux over the long term is a body that literally cannibalizes itself to maintain an energy balance, leaving you looking weak, scrawny and tired.
So, what's left?
Energy Flux Example #4: Eat A Lot - Exercise A Lot
If you eat plenty of healthy, nutritious food and use this energy to perform a high volume of effective exercise... what do you think happens?
Your body adapts to the higher level of activity by building muscle and making other physical changes, And the nutrients are available to make these changes. The result: an athletically muscular, fit body with extremely low body fat.
So, a lot of good food coming in and a lot of exercise is the right energy balance if you want to burn fat AND expose a muscular, fit body. (This is the goal right?)
So High Energy Flux is the way to go if you want to build a strong, athletic body with very low body fat!
If you want to lose fat, and have the result of the fat loss be a strong, lean, athletic body, than you must create HIGH Energy Flux. You need a lot of (good) energy coming in, and a lot of (good) energy being expended. Don't just diet. Don't just exercise. Combine a healthy diet and plenty of exercise for a high energy flux and get the fat loss results you want!
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