With 2013 upon us, it's time to start thinking about resolutions for the new year. Many of us set 'regular' new year resolutions and on that same note, many of us don't stick with them.
And that's just in regular, everyday stuff.
But how about resolutions when it comes to running? Have you ever set one? If so, have you ever accomplished it? For many, running is a challenge in itself and when you combine that with a New Year's resolution, well, for some that may seem like an impossible goal.
With that in mind, here are some ideas and tips that might help you decide on your own new year's running resolutions:
-- Picking a running resolution you believe you can achieve: If you have yet to take up running and you announce to your co-workers and friends that you are going to run a full marathon by year's end, that's really setting yourself up for some major ridicule if you don't achieve it. One mistake many people have in setting running resolutions is that they aim too high. You know yourself better than anyone else so put some thought into it and try to make sure it's a resolution that you can achieve.
-- Keep a running diary and/or log: Whether you want to set your sights on a
new distance or maybe lose a specific amount of weight, knowing where you are wanting to go and where you've come from is the key. It will be a great way to see how far you've come and can be really great for personal motivation.
-- Don't feel like you have to take an entire year to achieve one resolution: Pick a few resolutions that you can build on. If you've never run a 5K, pick that, then set a 10K and another resolution after you finish the 5K. Crossing that finish line and completing that 3.1 miles can really help reignite that inner fire to help push you on to the next distance.
-- Pay attention to your body: Many runners push themselves to the brink of injury just because their goal is a certain time or distance. If you take the time to 'listen' to your body, you may very well pass your original resolution because you and your body are working as one. If your body feels like it needs time to rest, or that an injury might be around the corner, don't just ignore those signs.
-- Reward yourself: If you set small goals in order to help you achieve your main resolution, it's OK to reward yourself. Consider it a gift to yourself that will also be a good investment and help keep you on track to succeeding in your resolution.
-- Be friendly to fellow runners. Allowing yourself to speak to other runners you may meet on the trail may very well help pick them up when they most need it. Saying hello and spreading some running community love may not only help brighten someone else's day but also your own. Some of those miles seem much longer than they actually are and hearing a friendly voice or seeing a smiling face can really make a difference.
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