Think a 5K isn't tough enough? Think again
Running a 5K seems simple enough. Lace up the shoes, hit the chronography button on your sports watch and vroom! You're off.
There are few, if any, worries about hydrating, carbo-loading, hitting the wall, chafing or choosing what to wear as there are when you run half-marathons and marathons. Pacing is important, but it's easier to master during a relatively brief 3.1-mile romp than during a 26.2-mile odyssey.
According to the most recent statistics from Running USA, 5K races were by far the most popular in America in 2004. In recent years, the marathon and, especially, the half-marathon have grown at a higher rate than the 5K. Experts think the relative ease of finishing the 5K combined with its lack of cachet — in other words, bragging rights — prompts many runners to eschew it for longer runs.
Some experts think that's a mistake.
Training for and racing a 5K, they say, offer not only flexibility and health benefits, but a formidable goal when one decides to whomp the race rather than merely finish it.
"We have a lot of clients who don't see the 5K as a challenge like they do the marathon," said Jason Holroyd, 29, a sales clerk and resident 5K expert at the Running Center in Rock Hill, Mo. "You can spend a lot of time preparing to reach your potential for it, but a lot of people don't look at it that way."
Holroyd also points out that "if you can improve your speed in the 5K, you'll improve your time in the marathon and half-marathons."
Steve Shields, a personal trainer, points out that running the 15 to 20 miles a week needed to train for a 5K can lower one's heart rate and hypertension, as well as reduce bad cholesterol while increasing the good kind. Training for the shorter race also carries a smaller risk of injury than training for longer races does, he says.
Running the 5K "also feels good," says Shields, who leads a weekly clinic that teaches people how to train for and run a first 5K race.
"I tell people that it's my Prozac," he says. "If there were no physical benefits, I'd still run for other reasons."
In his clinics, Shields starts by discussing running shoes.
"The shoes are the only critical purchase," he says. "Runners need a good fit and to have a professional see if they're getting correct arch support."
Shields also works on monitoring intensity level by employing the talk test — the running pace should be such that the runner can carry on a conversation.
"And we focus on running for time rather than distance for the first six to eight weeks," he says. After that, he advises runners to set goals for distance and then work on speed.
Shields recommends running at least 3 miles at least three times a week, capped off with a 4- or 5-mile run on the weekend. He hands out schedules that slowly build up to this regimen.
His clinic also focuses on warm-ups, cool-downs, light stretching, hydration and clothing.
Once runners have run a couple of races and decide they want to step things up a notch, they can begin to heed the advice of runners such as Holroyd, whose personal record is 15:10 — less than five minutes a mile.
The key to his success, he says, is in running long intervals.
"By that I mean 800 meters to a mile at race pace (followed by a period of active rest) with somewhere between 3 to 4 miles total," Holroyd says.
He also advises establishing a long run, preferably 90 minutes or longer. This builds endurance while decreasing the risk for injury during faster workouts or races.
"I also do tempo runs for 20 to 30 minutes at a pretty hard pace, which would be about 8 or 10 miles an hour," Holroyd says. "The other thing is just racing — getting yourself familiar with doing the distance and what your body will feel like in race condition."
Both Shields and Holroyd agree on the value of cross-training, which may include stretching, light weight-lifting with high repetitions and other cardio workouts, such as cycling and using the elliptical trainer.
A person's base of training will determine the time it takes to get ready for a 5K.
"If you've been running for a while, you can be ready to race in six to eight weeks," Holroyd says. "If you haven't been running a lot, I'd take at least 12 weeks to build up a base and then start training. You need to get used to running before you add in race-pace workouts."
For those who still don't think a 5K can be hard enough, consider this: When Holroyd runs a 5K, he runs so fast that he fights constant pain and his breathing is labored nearly the whole time.
"You're going to start accumulating lactic acid almost right away as opposed to in the 10th or 11th mile of a marathon," he says. "And you'll be right on the brink of not being able to go at that pace any longer through almost the entire race. That's where reps come in handy."
First-timers: Go to a store that specializes in running shoes. Let the experts there help you choose a shoe with the proper arch support.
Run at a pace that allows you to carry on a conversation without becoming winded. This is called the talk test.
When starting out, set running goals based on minutes of running, rather than distance, and don't be afraid to mix walking in at first. Focus on distance only after you have built up to 20 consecutive minutes of running.
To help prepare for the 5K race, run at least 3 miles three times a week, with a 4- or 5-mile run on the weekend.
Mix in cross-training, which may include stretching, light weight-lifting with high repetitions and other cardio workouts, such as cycling and using the elliptical trainer.
Don't set a time goal for finishing the race until after you have run a 5K race or two and can set realistic expectations.
Experienced runners: Run intervals at least once a week. The intervals — interspersed with walking or slow jogging — should range from 800 meters to a mile each and should be run at race pace. The intervals should total 3 to 4 miles.
Weekly, make a long run of 90 minutes or more to establish endurance. Endurance increases speed.
Do tempo runs for 20 to 30 minutes at a hard pace.
Run hill repeats: Run up a steep hill, walk back down and repeat several times.
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